Westlake Brewing Social Run

Dallas, Texas, United States


6:30 PM (Local Time)
Venue: Westlake Brewing Company
Workout Description
Join us for our Monday fun run and a pint – Westlake Brewing has adopted the Braindead Running Club’s Monday night social run! In the winter months, we start at 6:30pm, and in the summer (June – Sept), we start at 7:00pm to avoid some heat. Best to check our facebook group for the time of upcoming runs.
The Braindead Running Group is a FREE local Dallas running/jogging/walking group that is definitely here to have fun. We now start our runs at Westlake Brewing, and run all over Dallas. We usually run from Deep Ellum to Old East Dallas, but occasionally Klyde Warren Park, Katy Trail, and even Uptown. Come have fun and after all our hard work we have BEER! DID I MENTION HAVE FUN !!!!
Add’l info:
Join us for our Wednesday fun run and a pint! Enjoy a social run on an out & back course down scenic Swiss Avenue. We usually have a great group of runners at all paces. We start our run at 6:30p or shortly thereafter. Run as far as you want, then head back for a pint! Stick around for our free trivia starting at 7:30pm!
Workout Category
Exercise Type
- Group Exercise
Reservation Required
- No
Westlake Brewing Company
Venue Website
Location Type

Location Features (*some features may incur costs*)
- Bathroom Facilities Available
- Parking Available
- Water Available (fountains, etc.)
- Restaurants Nearby