Goat Yoga

Houston, Texas, United States


10:00 AM (Local Time)
Venue: Goat Yoga Houston
Workout Description
Visit for full class schedule.
Welcome to the first and premiere Goat Yoga Classes in Texas and now Oklahoma. We are based in Houston and serve all areas of our great city. You have seen and heard about it on the news, from your friends; it is the craze that swept the nation and it is finally your turn to come out and enjoy, Texas’ original Goat Yoga! We are starting our third year of business and couldn’t be more excited to share our love of yoga and goats with you! Each class maxes at 30 people and will have at least 20 goats. See how the goats can help you connect with nature, and how a soft touch from goat or two, is just the extra push you need in your practice. This class is designed for beginners but all levels are welcome to attend, its great for yogi’s that are trying to find excitement and new experiences in their yoga practice.
ATTN: Please note that classes are for guests aged 9 years and older.
Workout Category
Exercise Type
- Structured Class
Goat Yoga Houston
Workout Location
Various Locations Throughout Houston
Location Type

Location Features (*some features may incur costs*)
- Animal Interaction