Enchanted Forest Walk

Big Sky, Montana, United States

Seasonal, with reservation
Venue: Big Sky Resort
Workout Description
This winter wonderland experience is a fun way to get some steps in after the sun goes down. Enjoy a s’more at the fire after the walk.
“Explore the warm glow of lights that guide you through the trees along a winter trail. New this season, the Enchanted Forest has moved to the top of Andesite Mountain. Take the heated Ramcharger 8 chairlift into this winter wonderland. Reservations required.”
Workout Category
WalkWinter Sports
Exercise Type
- Independent Exercise
Reservation Required
- Yes
Reservation Link:
Big Sky Resort
Venue Website
Workout Location
Take the heated Ramcharger 8 chairlift -- it'll be to your left once you reach the top
Location Type

Location Features (*some features may incur costs*)
- Great View
- Bathroom Facilities Available
- Lockers Available
- Parking Available