The Rio Grande ARTway
Venue Description
The Rio Grande ARTway, a collaboration between Carbondale Arts and the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority, is a creative placemaking project located on a one-mile stretch of non-motorized, paved trail running through downtown Carbondale. This linear park reflects the values and creativity that are important to the community. Two parks have been completed: DeRail Park, at the entrance of this section of the Rio Grande Trail and Hwy. 133 and the Latinx Folk Art Garden, located at 7th Street. The final project will be the Youth Art Park at 4th Street and the Rio Grande Trail. This park has been designed by 7th graders at the Carbondale Middle School with help from NJD Studio, Land+Shelter Architects and the community, and will be implemented in the Spring of 2021. An archway created by over 35 artists in the Roaring Fork Valley heralds the entrance to the ARTway. Installations, murals and history can be found along this one-mile stretch, as well as creative institutions such as The Carbondale Clay Center, Studio for Art + Work and True Nature Healing Arts.
Location Information
Location Type

Location Features (*some features may incur costs*)
- Parking Available
- Great View
- Restaurants Nearby
Detail Notes
Business partners on the Rio Grande ARTway include: RFTA, Carbondale Arts, RA Nelson Construction, Evolve Structural Design, Town of Carbondale, GreenLine Architects, DHM, Modern West, Robert Condon, Chris Erikson Art, Wally Graham, Scavenger Industries, Paradise Glass, Aspen Tree, The Garden Squad, Land+Shelter Architects, True Nature Healing Arts, IO Oeser Construction