Forest Park (St. Louis, MO)
Venue Description
The 1,300-acre park offers something for everyone — amazing destinations and institutions that challenge the mind, a Dual Path system that invites both leisurely walks and intense workouts, quiet places to picnic and read, and a variety of popular festivals and events — all set in the background of a city oasis, a place to escape it all. This archived History of Forest Park provides background on the creation of the park, the World's Fair and the history of the buildings in the park.
Contact Information

St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Venue Website:
Location Information
Location Type

Location Features (*some features may incur costs*)
- Great View
- Bathroom Facilities Available
- Water Available (fountains, etc.)
- Pet-Friendly
Detail Notes
Forest Park was dedicated on June 24, 1876, coinciding with the centenary of the United States Declaration of Independence. It played host to the 1904 World's Fair.