Big Shark Bicycle Co. Group Ride

Richmond Heights, Missouri, United States


7:30 AM (Local Time)
Workout Description
Big Shark has rentals available available, but may require reservations in advance. Rental options at
From St. Louis Mag:
When: Saturdays, 7:30 a.m.
Cost: Free
Overview: Hop on your road bike and join a group of cyclists for a spin through West County. The ride takes off from Big Shark’s Big Bend shop and follows a safe cycling track over moderate rolling terrain. The peloton typically pedals at a tempo of 16–19 miles per hour. “Our goal is to get a great ride in, stay efficient as a group, and help local cyclists learn how to ride in a single or double paceline without the pressure of keeping up,” says Big Shark owner Mike Weiss.
Workout Category
Exercise Type
- Group Exercise
Reservation Required
- No
Venue Website
Workout Location
1155 S. Big Bend
Location Type

Location Features (*some features may incur costs*)
- Bathroom Facilities Available
- Parking Available