Outdoor Yoga at Baker House

East Hampton, New York, United States


8:30 AM (Local Time)
Venue: Baker House 1650
Workout Description
From Baker House 1650:
Start your Sunday (8:30-9:30am) and Monday (9:30-10:30am) mornings with outdoor yoga. Take a deep breath of fresh air as you expand your mind body connection. Experience the sounds of nature on our historical setting under ancient trees. Stretch in the sun or in the shade, your body will thank you. Open level classes offer a rewarding benefit to your weekend in the Hamptons whether you’re just beginning or have an advanced practice.
Bring a mat or one will be provided. All are welcome.
$50 drop in
Please park on Buell Lane & James Lane and enter through the back street entrance to the Carriage House lawn or find parking on Main Street, the Library or near Guild Hall and walk to the back property. On site parking is limited to guests of the hotel only.
Workout Category
Exercise Type
- Structured Class
Reservation Required
- Yes
Reservation Link:
Baker House 1650
Venue Website
Workout Location
The Lawn
Location Type

Location Features (*some features may incur costs*)
- Bathroom Facilities Available
- Parking Available
- Full Spa Facilities Available
- Water Available (fountains, etc.)