Coconut with Strawberries

Rage Yoga Boston

Venue Description

From Rage Yoga Boston: Despite the name, rage Yoga is all about do no harm, but take no shit, while finding your own path to becoming Zen as F*ck! We introduce and lead students through an inclusive yoga practice, free of judgement/stigma to provide a safe place to fully express themselves authentically. To increase self awareness and acceptance within their own practice, as well as strengthen and build those same connections with other badasses such as themselves! We respect all boundaries and encourage vocalization of exhales and/or frustration as a method of release...yes that means an unadulterated, judgement free, F-bomb can absolutely escape those lips of yours if you find that cathartic... Or maybe you’d like to just scream about having to do dishes again, or the slow driver in the left lane. (**Please note** due to the nature of these classes and the vocalizations that may occur its best to leave the young padawans at home 😉) Who can join us? We are the nerds, the freaks, the geeks, those who swear like truckers and sailors, those who plain old feel like a square peg in a round hole. Join our tribe of beautiful radically authentic badasses, we welcome you with open arms and tons of fist unicorns!! Basically if you’re interested join us and if you have questions just ask!

Workouts at Rage Yoga Boston

Rage Yoga – Weekends

Boston, Massachusetts

2 days a week

Rage Yoga – Weekdays

Boston, Massachusetts

4 days a week

Contact Information


Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Venue Website:


(617) 285-7122

Location Information

Location Type


Location Features (*some features may incur costs*)

  • Online/Streamed Class or Activity
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