Benefits of Exercising With Your Partner

Excercise |
Susie O

Does Working Out Together Make Relationships Stronger?

We’ve all been there. You’re in a new relationship and you’re looking to find things to do together that aren’t eating or drinking … or that other thing. (Wink.) He doesn’t enjoy window shopping and you don’t enjoy skydiving, so why not look for some middle ground?

How about doing something together that you’re both already (likely) doing apart? Working out together could be one of the keys to building a stronger bond with your partner. Let’s look at why getting your sweat on (outside of the bedroom) could improve both your physical and emotional health and your partner’s.

Increased Attraction

Exercising can increase your heart rate, release endorphins, and make you feel more energetic and alive. These physiological responses can increase feelings of attraction towards your partner, as you both experience the positive effects of working out together. Additionally, exercising can help to build confidence, which can further enhance physical attraction between partners. (And who doesn’t want a slightly tighter tushy for pinching?)

Shared Goals

Working towards a common goal can be a powerful way to strengthen any relationship. Striving towards the same goal of improving your health and fitness can be a shared purpose and create a sense of deep connection, as you support each other in achieving your fitness goals.

Increased Motivation

It can be challenging to stay motivated when working out alone. However, having a workout partner can provide the necessary motivation to keep going. When you exercise with your partner, you can encourage and support each other, pushing each other but also inspiring. This shared experience can help you both stay on track and achieve your fitness goals. And it’s pretty neat to be able to show off your S.O. to your gym buddies.

Quality Time 

With busy schedules, it can be challenging to carve out quality time to spend to dedicate to your partner. However, working out together provides an opportunity to spend time with each other while also prioritizing your health and fitness. This can be a great way to strengthen your relationship and improve your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Improved Communication

When you’re exercising together, you have an opportunity to talk and connect in a relaxed and supportive environment. This can help you both develop stronger communication skills and build a deeper understanding of each other. 

Shared Experiences

Don’t just stick with your usual workout … why not find something new and exciting to do together!? Visit our “Find a Workout” page and try out something new! Because sharing new experiences is a productive way to strengthen bonds.

Finding something active to do together can be an effective way to strengthen your relationship and improve your overall wellbeing. Working out together can create a powerful and lasting bond between partners thanks and increase motivation, work toward shared goals, increase attraction, make time for each other, and improve communication.

So why not grab your sweetie and head to the yoga studio, take a hike, or even just go for a walk? You’ll both reap the benefits of this shared experience.


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